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    China's energy storage battery export prospects are promising

    Back15 Apr 2022
    Under the "double carbon" goal, the new energy industry has ushered in a new round of development opportunities. Energy storage is not only an important means to improve the flexibility, economy and safety of traditional power systems, but also a key technology to promote the replacement of main energy from fossil energy to renewable energy. It is the focus of clean energy development and system stable supply.
    As views from export markets, the United States, Germany and South Korea are the main export markets for Chinese batteries and parts. Among them, China's exports to the United States were US$5.31 billion, up 86.1% year-on-year; exports to Germany were US$3.69 billion, up 129.6% year-on-year; exports to South Korea were US$3.08 billion, up 108.2% year-on-year, all doubled.
    In addition, due to the abundance of energy storage application scenarios, the performance requirements of each scenario are different, some require high power, and some require large capacity, and energy storage technologies have their own characteristics, which need to be comprehensively considered in practical applications. The parallel development of multiple new energy storage routes will be a trend.

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